Monday, October 5, 2015

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads :Strong branding

Customers love authentic companies. They like it when a company has a strong and clear message and that message is consistent across all of their marketing platforms. So, don’t try and be everything to everyone. Customers want the experts and the company that is the best in their industry. Focus on communicating that through your branding and your conversion rates will go up, resulting in more leads.

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads :Media coverage

Do you know what journalists hate? Being hit up by dozens of PR agencies hour after hour, day after day. Do you know what journalists hate a little less? Having an owner of a company reach out to them and tell their story in a real and authentic manner. In fact, your chances of being covered go up significantly if you do the reach out yourself (as long as your pitch is on point). A few tips regarding reaching out to journalists: Don’t mass email them, do not open with “to whom it may concern” and don’t pester them (one follow up email is sufficient).
By getting your name out in the media, you begin to develop a following, increase your personal brand and come off as an expert in your domain – all that can help you get leads.

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads :Webinars

Webinars are an inexpensive way to get your message to thousands of potential customers. There are many services that allow you to broadcast a webinar quickly and easily. And if you make it a recurring event, you’ll continue to grow your following. So, come up with a great idea that helps your customers and promote it using social media, your network and your newsletter.
At the end of the webinar, feel free to ask the attendees to download an eBook, sign up for your newsletter, or visit your site. This will bring the leads flowing in.

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads : Infographic

Yes, infographics may have been overused a few years back, but people still share them and still stop and read them whenever they can.They’re quite cheap to produce as well. Simply come up with an original idea (again, don’t make it about you), find a quality (but affordable) graphic designer, then share it socially and ask your network to pass it along. You can also submit your infographics to publications that cover your industry.
Always put your logo and website URL on the bottom of the infographic. This way readers will be able to visit your site.

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads :Develop an engaging video

Please don’t produce another terrible commercial and post it on YouTube. The world doesn’t need any more of these. What people always want more of is entertainment. So, spend some time on developing a great idea that promotes your business and engages your customers. Once you’ve uploaded the video, you can get the ball rolling on making it go viral by using services like StumbleUpon to drive traffic to your video for pennies per viewer. Video sites like YouTube allow you to put links directly into the video. Use these to link back to specific landing pages on your website.

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads :Networking events

While a lot of action happens in the digital world, the real world still provides a lot of advantages -- especially networking events. Even events that didn’t directly pertain to my business have provided me with some of the most valuable contacts and leads. You’ll meet more people, expand your network and gain referrals. Plus, it’s a great way to build your brand. Make sure to bring business cards and don’t be afraid to ask the people you meet for their patronage.

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads :Twitter

Twitter is a dream for generating leads. Use it to reach out to influencers in your industry and get into conversations with them. Their followers, who are probably some of your potential customers, will see your interactions and follow you or visit your site. You can also follow trending subjects that pertain to your business and interject your thoughts into the general discussion by using the # symbol. For instance, if you are in the mobile world, you may use #iphone to find and eventually get leads.

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads :Blog

Having a blog is one of the best lead generating tools you can use, as it not only allows a company (or person) complete control of what is said but also an opportunity to have the undivided attention of the reader. Make sure that your blog is optimized to generate leads by having a sign-up section for your newsletter and by using the margins to promote your products and services. And I feel like a broken record, but don’t make the blog all about you! Give real value.

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads :Newsletter

Do you have a newsletter yet? If not, you’re missing out on one of the simplest way to generate more leads. Make sure you put a newsletter sign up in every possible place that makes sense on your website.
With these newsletter, not only do you have a captive audience (people have to opt-in to your newsletter) but email pathways are a great way to avoid getting lost in all the Internet noise. Again, don’t make it all about you. Instead, share with your contacts your insights, recent wins you created for your customers and industry news

Ways to Quickly Generate Leads : eBooks

These work great for B2B companies or a business that works in a very technical space, as people love to read and gain expertise about their industry. Make sure you don’t promote your services or products. People don’t want to be sold, they want to be informed. So write it from a neutral perspective and give actionable insights. Share the eBook socially and ask your network to share it for you.

Link Building For Websites

Regardless of size of your business, link building is the SEO practice that can play a vital role in boosting your SEO ranking and contributing in your website or business’ success online.

Getting valuable links does take much effort and time. However, anything that’s valuable in business takes certain effort and time — link building is one of those.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Permanent results

The results delivered by SEO are permanent, unlike advertisements. They don’t  get discontinue  suddenly  if you  stop  spending  on your  SEO campaign. Of course you would always needs efforts to preserve that top position, but if you’ve obtained that top position, it will most likely be pretty hard for it to be taken away.

Help for SEO work: Enjoy access to data

Help for SEO work: Enjoy access to data: As a business owner, customer data is quite essential and helpful for you. SEO helps you gather valuable customer data. On the basis ...

Enjoy access to data

As a business owner, customer data is quite essential and helpful for you. SEO helps you gather valuable customer data. On the basis of that data, or entered search terms by the users, you can determine new products to introduce or develop and observe what people are looking for the most. You  can  take  this  as  your  advantage  and  choose  a  highly-searched
keyword with low competitiveness, and though that might be hard to discover, it may result in bringing thousands of sales every month to your site. Customer data is critical for your business and not that tough to achieve by using the right tools. Exploiting it to your benefit can be exceptionally helpful for your business.

60% of visitors go for the first result on Google!

This implies that just 40 percent of clicks, in response to a specific search query, are left for the second and remaining results on Google. Gaining and maintaining that top position on Google is a great way to get thousands of visitors. SEO is surely the tool required to gain that top position. By making relatively lower investment, you can drastically increase your sales.

SEO makes your site stand out among millions of other websites!

At present, there are around more than thirty trillion pages on the web. It is quite tough to make a name for your brand among a lot others present out there, especially if the product or service you provide is very competitive. Using SEO techniques, you can make your brand distinguished from the rest.

Taking business to another level

An effective SEO campaign helps your website gets thousands of people every day. This might put your business in a position to expand to a bigger web server to hold the increasing amount of traffic and sales on your site.
SEO is truly a big asset for your business and could be what you require to take your business to higher levels.

Your competitors are getting optimized!

SEO is an increasingly popular technique. More and more businesses are now realizing that the benefits offered by SEO are enormously high. Keep in mind that your competitors are also aware of this and have also been exploiting it.
If your business lacks expertise to develop and run an effective SEO campaign, you would need to rely on a professional and specialized SEO company and invest in expert SEO personnel. This is exactly what your company demands to get better ranking than that of your rivals in Google

Better return on investment as compared to normal ads

When you invest money for promoting your brand and getting thousands of visitors via paid ad, just 2 percent of those visitors are likely to convert into
sales. But a thousand clicks from SEO can result in 4 percent of those visitors being converted into sales, which lead you to have a better return on investment. This higher conversion rate is just one of the main advantages of SEO that cannot be attained by any other type of marketing.
To your website, Google just get those people who actually look for you. These are the visitors actually searching for your product. Ads on the other hand, invite all, so a lot of “wrong” people might click on an ad mistakenly. A hit from Google is more precious than a hit from an ad.

More brand credibility: exploiting the fact that “people trust Google”

People believe that a website listed at the top in Google is a highly reputable  and  reliable company.  Hence,  it seems  that  by  SEO, your website turns out to be the brand name. You’ll become the business that competitors would want to surpass.
If you are unable to get good ranking by Google, the visitors will remain doubtful about your website. If Google has dedicated the top position to your website, it provides your brand a reliability that no ad can grant.
Ads are also viewed by users as irritating, and that’s the reason a lot of people have installed ad blockers on their browsers. So, next time when you think about wasting money in posting hundreds of ads, keep this fact in mind.

Your competitors are getting optimized!

SEO is an increasingly popular technique. More and more businesses are now realizing that the benefits offered by SEO are enormously high. Keep in mind that your competitors are also aware of this and have also been exploiting it.
If your business lacks expertise to develop and run an effective SEO campaign, you would need to rely on a professional and specialized SEO company and invest in expert SEO personnel. This is exactly what your company demands to get better ranking than that of your rivals in Google.

Help for SEO work: Home Local SEO

Help for SEO work: Home Local SEO: We Know That Your Reputation Is Everything If your business is a mainly a local based business, then it is important to be highly...

Home Local SEO

We Know That Your Reputation Is Everything
If your business is a mainly a local based business, then it is important to be highly ranked within localized searches. This can be done by search engine optimizing your website so that people who are in the area you operate in can discover your business through search engines. When people search online, they increasingly want to narrow the search to there are only. When someone searches online, they don’t only want to see your business listing and your prices, but they want to see a map to your business and directions as well. More and more people want to shop at and get services done at local businesses to support the local economy. Local marketing is important to advertise to the people who are your immediate customers, especially if your business caters to a specific market in the US. By utilizing local SEO, you can get the local search engine results you need to market your business.
If you have a small business, advertising and marketing is essential to your success as a business owner. Social media and the internet are absolutely vital to that success, but how do you ensure that you’re getting the full benefit of the internet to help your business? Using local SEO optimization or search engine optimization can help your local business successfully gain internet traffic and increase your base clientele.
Having your businesses web page returned within the first few hits in a search engine exponentially raises the number of page views you will receive, which increases the exposure your business gets to the public, which in turn increases the number of clients you will gain. How can you make sure that you are using local SEO optimization to your full advantage, though?

Friday, October 2, 2015

Approaching SEO

Search engine optimization can be said a wing of business marketing. It must fit into your overall marketing strategy and should not be just your marketing plan. You can commit many mistakes, do everything wrong if it comes to SEO, never get a single web visitor to your website from, but still can have a highly successful and money-making site. It might appear strange to read, but it’s important to understand this as well.

If you take a step back and promote yourself well, some of the toughest or negative parts of SEO will handle themselves. That does not mean you can ignore proper implementation of SEO technique, but most of the people don’t need to focus each and every little detail. There are lots of factors that decide the ranking a page will get in search engines. Emphasizing over just one of these factors isn’t logical. Try to observe the forest rather than focusing keenly a single tree.

SEO is not like a “set it and overlook” proposition. It’s like an iterative procedure. You do whatever you can, calculate the results, and keep on improving. You can’t optimize your site in a day or within a month. SEO is something  never ending.  It  is  modified daily,  and  it’s  not  like that  a technique works for one website will surely work for another.
Fortunately, the fundamental principles are quite constant, and structuring a solid basis in understanding SEO that will take you much ahead than trying to make use of spammy or black-hat SEO tactics.

Why did Google institute a Sandbox?

It is thought that the reason Google created the Sandbox new site filter was to stop spam related sites from adding numerous purchased links–and ranking highly for their keywords from the date of launch. Since Google apparently considers a high number of links pointing to a site from the beginning to be rather suspicious, the links are not considered to be natural. Another possibility is spam sites would use various tactics to rise to the top of the search results, and gain heavy sales prior to being banned for being in violation of Google’s Terms of Service; and then repeating the process continually. As a result, new sites are put into a form of probation, usually referred to as the Google Sandbox.
{mospagebreak title=Does everyone agree that there is a Google Sandbox?}
Not everyone agrees that the Google Sandbox exists as a separate filter from other alleged Google filters. Not everyone involved with search engine optimization even agrees that Google uses a system of filters at all. Skeptics believe that the phenomenon merely echoes already existing Google algorithm calculations, and the Sandbox effect is an illusion.

How would you describe the Google Sandbox in one sentence?

The Google Sandbox is very similar to a new website being placed on probation, and kept lower than expected in searches, prior to being given full value for its incoming links and content.

What is the Google Sandbox?

The Google Sandbox is an alleged filter placed on new websites. The result is that a site does not receive good rankings for its most important keywords and keyword phrases. Even with good content, abundant incoming links and strong Google Page Rank, a site is still adversely affected by the Sandbox effect. The Sandbox acts as a de facto probation for sites, possibly to discourage spam sites from rising quickly, getting banned, and repeating the process

Classified Sites means

Classified Sites :- is a form of online free advertising system. Classfied sites are two types free and paid so you can and should use both sites to your business and services. If you use the large number of paid and free classified sites then you can easily target the more different groups of people to whom you can advertise. Classified websites can boost your website traffic and this technique use by many webmasters to improve search engine optimization . Classified websites help people to promote small business online. Top high pr sites provides good backlinks that can improve your site rank in search engine results pages (SERP). Using below all free classified sites, you can easily post any type of ad on the internet without paying money(means completely free) & without registration.

How To Get Backlinks From Wikipedia

Backlinks are incoming links to a web page or website and they were considered the primary means of navigation before the advent of search engines. These are significant part of SEO as search engines gauge the popularity of a website with the number of quality external links the website has. Links from high quality websites has a major influence on search engine rankings. Marketers are always looking for options to get quality backlinks from websites that have good domain authority. Building backlinks is an essential part of any SEO strategy and therefore it is important to ensure that good backlinks are built during any internet marketing campaign.

How To Get Backlinks From Wikipedia

Backlinks are incoming links to a web page or website and they were considered the primary means of navigation before the advent of search engines. These are significant part of SEO as search engines gauge the popularity of a website with the number of quality external links the website has. Links from high quality websites has a major influence on search engine rankings. Marketers are always looking for options to get quality backlinks from websites that have good domain authority. Building backlinks is an essential part of any SEO strategy and therefore it is important to ensure that good backlinks are built during any internet marketing campaign.

The Top 10 SEO Analysis tools

Google analytics: This is a free yet very powerful tool that provides with all the data that you will need to promote your website. This will allow you to include Google Adworks which will help you track the rate of conversions for each keyword.
Advanced statistics: This is good for analyzing basic data and this is available readily on most servers.
Minty and Clicky: These are both very inexpensive tools that have similar properties like Google analytics.
Click: This is comparatively expensive and you can download it; this offers top class analytics and is very user friendly for non technical people.
Google AdWords Tool: This tool will give you a suggestion on the keywords that can be very useful for your website.
Word tracker tool: This tool will show you the questions that contain the keywords that your website uses.
Compete Analytics: This tool will show all the keywords that send most of the traffic to competitors websites.
Keyword Spy tool: This shows the particular keywords that the competitors are purchasing.
IndexRank: This tool helps to compare the rank of your website with that of the competitors on the various search engines.
Google Optimizer tool: This helps you to enhance your profits by increasing your CPA and subsequently you’re ROI.

Questions & Answers websites

Question and answers websites are latest way to build backlinks, These platforms are hugely popular among audiences. Folks always have queries in their mind so they find Q& A platforms very easy to answer their queries. So try to take advantage of these platforms in a fruitful manner. Never do spamming there. This will result in termination of your blog. So build good authority on these platforms.

There are many common & uncommon methods included in SEO, some of them are:

Blog commenting – As the name itself implies that this method has to do something related to commenting and sharing views over relevant blog. In this technique one can place his/her link in the blogs relevant to their business or product. This method is widely used as this is one of the most success full methods to make positive changes within the ranking procedure!!
Profile linking – Profile linking is an effective way to promote your website and also offers a simpler way to do so…All it need is to create a profile on different linking sites with a URL you want to promote! And you can also contact customers and other profile members to avail your services.
Directive submission – There are many directive submission sites including paid and un-paid, While promoting a site always keep this thing in mind that you have to prefer a high PR (Page Rank) site and always provide the correct data about your branding product. Many a times these directive submission sites demand a reciprocal link that implies the sharing of links between the site we want to promote and the site on which we are promoting our brand. That’s an effective way of branding.
Forum commenting – Forum is a discussion panel over a common interest of the topics, you just have to find a forum that is relevant and provides a discussion over the product you desire to represent. These forums allow you to place the link of the site you like to brand for.
Blog posting – Blogging is a familiar name and also a creative way to present your product or services. You can provide your site link over there blogging sites and that’ll help you to improve your page rank!!
Infographics – To prepare an infographics is a fun, it’s a pictorial representation of the product or service we are availing to our clients and customers… There are many info-graphic sites that can portray your product in a less monotonous and more generous way!!

How To Find .EDU & .Gov Sites For BackLinks?

There is a nice tricky way that you can find a edu sites by searching in Google with these terms. Just copy the below lines and paste it in Google Search Engine, Then start opening from No-1 and start buliding backlinks to get higher ranking.  I am sure this trick will work for you. Same way you find  .gov sites. This will surely boost your rankings in Google SERP’s. “blog” “forums” “comments” “log in / create account” inurl:blog “seo”

Why .gov BackLinks are important for rankings?

.gov backlinks are  the backlinks  coming from government organization & institutes, . they have high authority in eyes of  Google. So by having backlinks from .gov sites you can boost your rankings for  sure. If you get backlinks  from .gov site it will help you in lot  in SEO. But dont spam there. Spamming will lead you to ban on .gov  sites.

Why .edu BackLinks are important for rankings?

EDU Backlinks are incoming links to a blog or website ) sites or blog that which have great power to increase your ranking in Google and alexa. Backlinks from other then .edu site have also power but the power of .edu site will break all simple site and boost your ranking. Usually, edu sites are colleges or universities and they only link to valid resources and Google trust them ,so if you get back links from this site that’s mean your site is doing good. But dont spam there. Spamming will lead you to ban on .edu sites.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Write High Quality Guest Post Content

If you look at every successful web site out there, at the end of the day it all comes down to quality content. What do the largest news, sports, financial and media sites have out there that others don’t? A constant supply of amazing content! This is what you need to focus on to create a successful brand and site on the internet. People love content that is catered to them and when it provides insightful or amazing information, they will usually share it with their friends, social networks, and even back to it if they have a web site or blog.
Being an amazing writer can really get you far in the world of online marketing and web sites. If you can write well, you can get exposure anywhere… even from some of the top blogs on the internet!

Where to Find Links

Social media spaces are not the only place to go to build linking relationships. A little leg work may be in order. There are a few places you can perform research that give you a goldmine of information and sites to connect with that could become good link partners.

Web directories such as Yahoo, Best of the Web, and others are a great place to start. Directories provide lists of websites in similar and related categories to what you offer. Look through these categories to find websites that might benefit to providing a link to your site.
Typically, you'll want to avoid the sites in the same category as your own as they'll likely be competitors. Instead, find those that compliment your offerings and who's audiences will be benefited by such a link.

It's relatively easy to find blogs that write content on your subject. These blogs offer a great way to build relationships and get some links. Start by commenting on blog posts, adding your own insight and commentary. Don't drop links in your comments. Return and comment frequently, getting to know the poster and the other commenters.
As you continue to provide good feedback those reading the comments will begin to recognize your name and follow the link in your name back to your website. This might follow with a "natural" link to you.
You can also seek out guest-posting opportunities, once you have established yourself as being knowledgeable on the topic. These blog posts generally come with a bio that you can use to link back to your site or blog.
Log Files
Looking through your server logs can give you a wealth of information on the people who come and visit you. One of things you can look for is what websites people used to find you. Use this to find the websites that drive the most traffic and pursue similar websites for linking opportunities.

Search Engines
And finally, the most obvious way to find links, search engines. Use the engines to perform keyword searches using words that indicate willingness to link out. Words like directory, submit link, add link, and others help you quickly find sites looking to add your site to their list of important resources.
You can also uses search engines simply to find sites in related industries, much like you found sites in the directories. These results will provide additional sites not previously found that may make good opportunities to build relationships.
Links are one of the most crucial aspects to successful SEO but there isn't one-way to do it right. There are a lot of avenues that can be explored and a lot of linking opportunities waiting to be discovered.

Putting it all together
SEO isn't especially difficult to do, but it does take time and enough knowledge to help you get started down the path to learn as you go. Many small businesses will try to save money by doing SEO on their own and they can be successful to a point, so long as they have the time needed to not only gain the knowledge but to implement it as well.
This series covered only the most basic aspects of SEO but should be enough to give you a good shove in the right direction.

Building Links

There are a lot of different approaches to building links. The different types of links discussed in the previous post in this series can gain you links in various degrees of goodness. But like most things, quick-fix solutions rarely ever provide excellent long-term value. That's not to say quick fix solutions aren't sometimes needed or warranted, but they rarely make a good long-term investment.
A link only has a certain amount of value, much like the value of a casual acquaintance. But like a true friendship, a link relationship goes much further and has a lot more potential.
The concept of building links is best when it's focused on building relationships. You've heard it said, "give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." In the same way, build a link and you get a link. Build a relationship and you get a lifetime of links.
There are a lot of ways to build relationships online that will translate into links. Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and others allow you to connect with people who have many of the same interests as you do.
Seek these people out and engage with them in conversation on the topic that you know and they love. Don't try to sell them. Don't ask for anything, just talk to them. It won't be long before business comes up. And if it doesn't, they'll likely research you and find out what it is you do. By not asking for anything, or even guiding the conversation in that direction, you find yourself with a convert and possibly even an evangelist.
The great thing about these forums is that you can build relationships with multiple people at once. But you have to take the time to also engage with people on an individual level as well.
The more relationships you build, the more people you will ultimately reach. The more people you reach the greater your ability to connect with them on a professional level. A friend is far more apt to drop a link for you than someone you just met. A friend--yes, even an online friend--is more likely to help promote you than someone you sent an email to out of the blue.
Leveraging these social media platforms wisely can bring you a lot of connections that you wouldn't be able to get with other forms of marketing.

One-Way Links

On a pure value standpoint, one way links (sans any linking schemes) are the most valuable links you can get. This is, in most circumstances, a link to your site from someone that finds your content valuable, doesn't ask for a link back, you don't link back to them on your own.
If you have good content, this type of link isn't all that rare. The best link marketing is creating a valuable website that is informative, helpful and educational. Of course this isn't proactive marketing, which is why you see a lot of options to purchase one-way links.
Without a doubt, search engines frown on purchased links that are not clearly defined as such both visually and/or using the no follow attribute. Purchase links at your own risk. If you are using a broker that claims to keep their purchased links hidden from the search engines, keep in mind that the search engines can easily spend money building sites and purchasing links from these same networks. The hidden network is no longer hidden from the search engines and they might not even be aware of it.
Not all purchases links have no value, but only so long as the link flies under the search engine radar. This can rarely be done by purchasing links from a broker, but can be done on a one-on-one situation.
Links are an important part of your optimization campaign, but not every link will provide you the same value. Aside from worrying about reciprocal links, link wheels or even purchasing one-way links, go outside of the box of "get me a link" and think about providing value to your visitors that is worth linking to. Once you have that, then consider ways to get the word of your content out to those that are most likely to link, become customers, and spread the word.

Multi-Way Links

This is where some of the link schemes get clever. Reciprocal links, we are told have no value so you have to have three or more site's linking together so there is no direct reciprocating link at all.
Three-way link schemes aren't all that difficult for search engines to sniff out so these multi-link programs have gotten more complex. The latest version is link wheels. This is where networks of sites link to a second level of sites which then link to you. You get dozens or hundreds of "one-way" links to your site through these link wheel networks.
Like most linking schemes these link wheels will probably have limited value over the short-term without any real long-term benefits.

Reciprocal Links

A reciprocal link, in simplest terms, is a link from Site A to site B and a link back from Site B to Site A. Many have written reciprocal links off as being completely irrelevant but that's far too simplistic. There is nothing wrong with reciprocal links in an of themselves. Its all in the execution.

Low-Quality Reciprocal Links

The lowest quality reciprocal links are those found on pages specifically designed to house reciprocal links. What you get from these "resource" pages is a bunch of barely related links from Site A to one or more dozens of other websites. All of these build their own "resource" pages that do you the favor of linking back to you and one or more dozens of other sites.
These pages are usually easy to spot because they generally provide little value to the visitors of the site, other than for a good laugh. If you find yourself linking to a site that links back this way it would probably be of benefit to you to stop linking to them. The link pointed to you likely has no value, however by associating yourself with them (via your link) you can be sending the search engines a signal that you don't care much about the quality of sites you link out to.

High-Quality Reciprocal Links

Despite the belief of some, there are reciprocal links that can pass a lot of value to you. Low-quality reciprocal links are there simply for the quid pro quo of the link. High quality reciprocal linking has nothing to do with doing someone a favor in order to get something in return. These are two links that are made independently of each other simply because you, and the "reciprocating" site find each others content valuable.
It's entirely possible that one of the linking parties has no idea the other site is linking to them because each link was given entirely on the basis of the value of the content being linked to. It wasn't per-arranged or purposeful in any way.
That doesn't mean you can't per-arrange a reciprocal link and still make it valuable. You can, you just need to make sure it looks as natural and non-per-arranged as possible. Linking and receiving a link in the midst of quality content in primary site pages can do the trick. Just be careful about how many of these reciprocal links show up at the same time.

How Links Work

Links are the highway of the web. Without links nobody would be able to navigate, move from page to page or from one site to the next. The only way to find anything on the web would be to manually type in the URL of each web page. But luckily, hyperlinks let is click our way around websites gong from one page to the next and off to other websites.
In the simplest term a link is a vote for the web page it leads to. It's a lot more complicated than that, but for now that definition will suffice. If you like something you link to it. If someone likes you, hopefully they'll link to you.
Links can come in many forms. You submit your site to a directory and you get a link. Someone finds you in that directory, follows the link to your site. You link out to more information the reader is interested in (whether it's your own site or another) and the visitor follows that link until their navigation path has been satisfied.
If the reader likes what they see along the way they might throw a link back. People reading the newly linked site then follows the link to you, they navigate (via links) to other pages that interest them and the process continues. Of course, not every person who finds your site will link to you, but it sure would be nice if they would. Of course they want the same from you too!
Links spread like word of mouth. If you have something worth telling others about (or linking to) then more people will spread the word via their site's, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and whatever else strikes their fancy. The easiest way to get links is to have something worth linking to. Yes you, in the flow meter industry... you can create link-worthy content.

Five Rules of Copywriting

There are five basic rules to writing good website content that is appealing to both visitors and the search engines.
1. Avoid graphics in text.
Search engines are not so good about reading text in a graphic format. They are getting better at it but I think that it will always be problematic, especially when it comes to busy graphics or non-standard fonts. So for now, and the foreseeable future, it's a good idea to keep your text outside of graphics.
You also have to consider the user. Some users search with images off or the small screens of their mobile phones. Text in those graphics may be difficult or impossible to read. If the content is worth reading then it's worth ensuring that it is in the most readable format.
2. Think users before engines.
Your visitors come first. The search engines don't buy from you, they don't write comments, and they don't retweet your message. People do. The search engines only want what people want so give the people what they want and the search engines will, in most cases, reward you for that.
3. Write enough content.
How much content is enough? Only you know that. You need to write enough content to make the points you need and no more. Each visitor needs a different amount of content to read in order to be convinced. don't leave anybody out.
4. Target phrases not words.
People rarely search for words, they search for phrases. Knowing what those phrases are is essential to writing content that speaks to your visitor's desires. The phrases also put the words into context and give meaning to what the visitor is really searching for.
5. Don't force it.
Writing your content using the rules above should work naturally. Don't force anything if it just doesn't work. If you're trying to work in phrases that are not a fit for the page, then move those phrases to another page. If you're trying to produce content that will speak to different kinds of visitors, don't be afraid to break content off into other sections of the site such as articles or tutorials. This goes back to writing for the visitor. Meet their needs first and foremost and don't try to force anything that doesn't work.
As I said above, SEO copy-writing isn't all that much different than standard copywriting. It's all about creating good content that appeals to the visitors and meets certain criteria in terms of keyword usage. In Part 12 I'll go over some key examples of how to write good content that is good for engines and users alike.