Thursday, October 1, 2015

How Links Work

Links are the highway of the web. Without links nobody would be able to navigate, move from page to page or from one site to the next. The only way to find anything on the web would be to manually type in the URL of each web page. But luckily, hyperlinks let is click our way around websites gong from one page to the next and off to other websites.
In the simplest term a link is a vote for the web page it leads to. It's a lot more complicated than that, but for now that definition will suffice. If you like something you link to it. If someone likes you, hopefully they'll link to you.
Links can come in many forms. You submit your site to a directory and you get a link. Someone finds you in that directory, follows the link to your site. You link out to more information the reader is interested in (whether it's your own site or another) and the visitor follows that link until their navigation path has been satisfied.
If the reader likes what they see along the way they might throw a link back. People reading the newly linked site then follows the link to you, they navigate (via links) to other pages that interest them and the process continues. Of course, not every person who finds your site will link to you, but it sure would be nice if they would. Of course they want the same from you too!
Links spread like word of mouth. If you have something worth telling others about (or linking to) then more people will spread the word via their site's, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and whatever else strikes their fancy. The easiest way to get links is to have something worth linking to. Yes you, in the flow meter industry... you can create link-worthy content.

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