Thursday, October 1, 2015

Building Links

There are a lot of different approaches to building links. The different types of links discussed in the previous post in this series can gain you links in various degrees of goodness. But like most things, quick-fix solutions rarely ever provide excellent long-term value. That's not to say quick fix solutions aren't sometimes needed or warranted, but they rarely make a good long-term investment.
A link only has a certain amount of value, much like the value of a casual acquaintance. But like a true friendship, a link relationship goes much further and has a lot more potential.
The concept of building links is best when it's focused on building relationships. You've heard it said, "give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." In the same way, build a link and you get a link. Build a relationship and you get a lifetime of links.
There are a lot of ways to build relationships online that will translate into links. Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and others allow you to connect with people who have many of the same interests as you do.
Seek these people out and engage with them in conversation on the topic that you know and they love. Don't try to sell them. Don't ask for anything, just talk to them. It won't be long before business comes up. And if it doesn't, they'll likely research you and find out what it is you do. By not asking for anything, or even guiding the conversation in that direction, you find yourself with a convert and possibly even an evangelist.
The great thing about these forums is that you can build relationships with multiple people at once. But you have to take the time to also engage with people on an individual level as well.
The more relationships you build, the more people you will ultimately reach. The more people you reach the greater your ability to connect with them on a professional level. A friend is far more apt to drop a link for you than someone you just met. A friend--yes, even an online friend--is more likely to help promote you than someone you sent an email to out of the blue.
Leveraging these social media platforms wisely can bring you a lot of connections that you wouldn't be able to get with other forms of marketing.

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