Thursday, October 1, 2015

Domain Names

Get your own

Its easy to think that all the good domain names are taken. Sure, the easy and obvious ones have been snatched up years ago, but that doesn't mean there still aren't any good .com domain names left that are perfect for your business or blog.
The starting point, however, is to realize that you do need own your own domain name. Most businesses have figured this out already but a lot of bloggers haven't. That's because it takes a bit of work and some small fees. First you have to purchase the domain, then host it, pay the monthly hosting fees, install the blog, etc., etc. Not quite as easy as signing up for a blog service and pounding out your first blog post all in ten minutes.
If your blog is nothing more than a personal diary then the free blogging services may be all you need. But if you're looking to build an audience, sell a few products, or make a name for yourself, getting your own domain name is the way to go.
Whether you're a business, a blogger, or something in between, selecting your domain name can be a trying process. Those of you who have searched for the "perfect" domain name know what I mean. You go through dozens, if not hundreds of different options looking for just the right one. When looking for domain names for your business or blog, here are a few guidelines:
Keep it short
Short domains are the hardest to find. Unless you're willing to shell out big bucks, give up on the dream of getting your business' initials (i.e.,, etc.). But that's not to say you can't find just the right short domain name for you. You don't need something as short as three letters, but I wouldn't go much longer than three words. Your own mileage may vary but keep in mind, the longer the domain name is the more difficult it will be to remember when being passed along via word of mouth or in casual conversation.

Make it memorable

You want your domain name to be something that can be remembered easily. Word of mouth and your 30-second elevator pitch rely on it. When looking to get a short domain name many people try to cut corners with abbreviations or clever spellings. The problem with that is clever spellings have to be explained when passing the site on verbally.
Imagine if you were reading Search Engine right now instead of Search Engine Or maybe you shop at The Shoe instead of The Shoe Or perhaps you are browsing Now imagine telling someone about it. Each would require a little extra effort that most people won't take.
And even when it is, its easily forgotten or the hearer is confused. Not a great way to grow your business or blog.

There are some instances where clever can be memorable and easy. is a good example. Notice though the simplicity of this, but if they had called it it would have been a different matter entirely.

Use keywords if possible

Without going too long and still keeping your domain name memorable, try to find one that uses your primary keywords. Years ago the site Battery was called They still have the old redirect in place. Which would you say is the better URL?
It's not always easy to find domains with your primary keywords still available, but keep looking. Just avoid the temptation to load up your your domain with all kinds of keywords. Battery could have just as easily been Motorcycle Batteries Not quite the same impact. Do you sacrifice keywords for simplicity? In most cases yes.

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